DF Quotes

 I will be posting random inspiring quotes and lessons we learned in our journey of growing dragon fruit. Pictures taken  by my farm manager.

#DFQuote #01

Most of the time pruning applies to plants, but I recently discovered that this applies to human beings as well. Kidding aside, pruning is part of  farm management at Maryland. Dragon fruit is a fast growing vine. Given adequate care you'll be surprised that it can grow an inch a day. So, it is advisable to do pruning as frequent as possible.

 #DFQuote #02

This bloom made history to Maryland this year. It's the first bloom. I posted this picture on our Facebook farm page. 

 #DFQuote #03

Dreaming is not forever. 
You gotta have a deadline. Make your time as your ally. 
Though how simple this idea is it's hard to follow, but definitely possible. 
Start writing it down dude!

#DFQuote #04

Focus is where you put your attention and energy. Be careful in choosing your focus. Make sure you choose the best and positive one. It will make and break you. It won't be easy, so use your emotion as a guide. Think of happy thoughts. Love, happiness, peace and hope. The secret. 


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