How to Understand Nitrogen Cycle in Dragon Fruit Growing

I've been very busy lately taking remedial Science classes. Oh yeah, I READ a lot and obliged myself. I enrolled myself to GU (google university). When I don't understand something I ask questions and I search the answers. 

My breakfast routine.

Recently, I reviewed the Nitrogen Cycle. The illustration below came from a kiddy website. It's not that complicated to understand the cycle using the image below.

Nitrogen Cycle 78% of the air we breath is composed of Nitrogen, 22% is a combination of Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

It's been a while since my last actual Science class. That was over 9 years ago. You may ask: How is that related with growing dragon fruit? Very related to the nth power. How it works? Why plants needs it? What will happen when our dragon fruit plant don't get enough supply of nitrogen?

Schematic representation of the flow of nitrogen through the land environment. The importance of bacteria in the cycle is immediately recognized as being a key element in the cycle, providing different forms of nitrogen compounds assimilable by higher organisms

You may not realize that as farmers we deal with applied sciences every day. In the most practical sense what we do with our plants, how much we care for them will, our diligence with every fertilizer application reflects the health and harvest we have during fruiting season. We are scientist, in case you don't realize! Give yourself a pat in the back!

Further readings on Soil Health, Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria, a video/the role of NFB.

A dragon fruit vine have aerial roots enjoys nitrogen from the air.

Understanding how Nitrogen cycle works in our gardens will help us apply the right amount of fertilizer, and helps us identify the right timing when to apply fertilizers. It will give you more conviction in faithfully following your farm routines. It will make more sense. What do you think?


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