Harvesting Matured Dragon Fruit Cuttings

Will update this picture soon.

My favorite farm manager has been very busy as a bee harvesting cuttings over the last 2 weeks. And I've been busy taking orders and inquiries from different enthusiast and growers in the country and overseas.

It is the time of the year that we get to harvest more planting materials for the nursery. We are on our way with our expansion for the first time. There is a lot of pruning job to do. You might be wondering what does it means by pruning. Let me define it.

Pruning -is a gardening practice involving the selective removal of certain parts of a plant. With Dragon fruit this means cutting matured cuttings for planting materials or cutting unnecessary shoots, branches, buds or roots throughout the year.

Pretty much as a dragon fruit grower you got to enjoy two types of harvests. 
1. Fruit harvest- I love this. I enjoy the flowers, the fruits, and the picture opp.
2. Matured Cuttings- Aside from harvesting fruits, you can select matured branches and use it as planting  materials for propagation.

So, what do you mean when you say "matured cuttings".
Matured cuttings are those branches of a dragon fruit plant that's over one year old or older and has fruited already. They are sturdy and the core is hard as a tree. Remember this when you are selecting cuttings for propagation. More or less these cuttings are the best material you can use to propagate dragon fruit. Using younger stems takes time to grow. That would mean you spend more on fertilizer.

Spend more if you must just to get a matured cutting, because it will save you money in the long run. It may be pricey to get these type of cutting. Imagine, it would take more than a year to produce them. That would mean you need at least one fruiting season to pass in order to collect them from the nearest farm.


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